Altar Society
Saint Patrick's Altar Society provides fresh flowers on the Alter weekly and decorates the Altar on special occasions (Christmas & Easter).
Saint Patrick's Altar Society provides fresh flowers on the Alter weekly and decorates the Altar on special occasions (Christmas & Easter).
English Music Ministry
St. Patrick's has always recognized the importance of providing appropriate sacred music at all liturgical celebrations. In doing so, the congregation actively participates in sung prayer with the assistance of the choir/cantor.
St. Patrick's has always recognized the importance of providing appropriate sacred music at all liturgical celebrations. In doing so, the congregation actively participates in sung prayer with the assistance of the choir/cantor.
Extraordinary Ministers of The Holy Eucharist
Extraordinary Ministers assist ordained ministers in distributing Holy Communion at all Masses. They are also used to insure that the sick and homebound receive Communion on a frequent basis
Extraordinary Ministers assist ordained ministers in distributing Holy Communion at all Masses. They are also used to insure that the sick and homebound receive Communion on a frequent basis
Men of Saint Patrick's
Purpose is for prayer, fellowship, unity, and good works. Proceeds from events help to pay for structural needs of the church, funding youth programs, and other St. Patrick's Church needs.
Purpose is for prayer, fellowship, unity, and good works. Proceeds from events help to pay for structural needs of the church, funding youth programs, and other St. Patrick's Church needs.
Pastoral Council
Group of lay parishioners from Saint Patrick's that oversee the operations and activities.
Group of lay parishioners from Saint Patrick's that oversee the operations and activities.
Religious Education
The Religious Education Program prepares children ages 5 to 17 years old to receive the Sacraments of Penance, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation.
The Religious Education Program prepares children ages 5 to 17 years old to receive the Sacraments of Penance, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation.
Society of Our Lady of Constantinopoli
Maria SS. Di Costantinopoli Society of Modesto is a local, non-profit community service group.Maria SS. Di Costantinopoli Society has helped those who have been in need of assistance, and has given its support to a variety of charitable causes.
Maria SS. Di Costantinopoli Society of Modesto is a local, non-profit community service group.Maria SS. Di Costantinopoli Society has helped those who have been in need of assistance, and has given its support to a variety of charitable causes.
Coro Parroquial San Patricio
El propósito de este ministerio es reafirmar la palabra de Dios atreves del
canto y motivar a la comunidad a unirnos en una sola alabanza.
El propósito de este ministerio es reafirmar la palabra de Dios atreves del
canto y motivar a la comunidad a unirnos en una sola alabanza.
Grupo de Oración Refugio de Pecadores de la Renovación Carismática
Es un grupo Carismatico que se unen en horacion para alabar y glorificar a Dios.
Es un grupo Carismatico que se unen en horacion para alabar y glorificar a Dios.
Ministro Extraordinario de la Eucaristía
Es una persona que le ayuda al sacerdote en el Altar para distribuir el Cuerpo y la Sangre a los fieles.
Es una persona que le ayuda al sacerdote en el Altar para distribuir el Cuerpo y la Sangre a los fieles.
Platica Pre-Bautismal
Es una clase aserca el bautismo de su hijo e hija y se exige antes el bautismo. Si ustedes son padres o padrinos que necesitan asistir una platica pre-bautismal, esta clase es ofrecida en San Patricio.
Es una clase aserca el bautismo de su hijo e hija y se exige antes el bautismo. Si ustedes son padres o padrinos que necesitan asistir una platica pre-bautismal, esta clase es ofrecida en San Patricio.
Proclamador de la Palabra de Dios
Es aquel que sube al Altar y le ayuda al sacerdote a proclamar la Primera Lectura, el Salmo y la Segunda Lectura.
Es aquel que sube al Altar y le ayuda al sacerdote a proclamar la Primera Lectura, el Salmo y la Segunda Lectura.