On behalf of St Patrick’s Church, we would like to thank you for your generous donations. Each dollar you give helps us fulfill the mission and vision God calls us to in reaching people for Christ. Truly, we could not meet the needs of our community without you.
How to donate to St. Patrick's Church
There are 5 ways you can donate to St. Patrick's Church
1. Drop your donation into the collection basket during Mass.
2. Mail in your donation to the Parish Office. 19399 E. Highway 120, Ripon, CA 95366
3. Drop off your donation through the Parish Office Mail slot.
4. Use text giving at (209) 207-0317
5. Use online giving, by pressing the button below.
1. Drop your donation into the collection basket during Mass.
2. Mail in your donation to the Parish Office. 19399 E. Highway 120, Ripon, CA 95366
3. Drop off your donation through the Parish Office Mail slot.
4. Use text giving at (209) 207-0317
5. Use online giving, by pressing the button below.